React vs. Angular vs. Vue.js: Which one should I learn in 2019
This post is not just a guide on Angular vs. React vs. Vue but aims to provide a structure to help judge front-end JavaScript frameworks in general. In case a new framework arrives next year, you will know exactly what parameters to look at!
I searched a lot of articles on the internet and found the best of them as follow:
I tried to combine the best of them and wrote the following article on the same:
We analyzed the number of open positions worldwide that require specific knowledge of a certain framework. As a source, we took and got the following distribution according to more than 60,000 job offers.
As “angular” and “react” are common words, it is difficult to grasp their popularity from Google Trends. Though, a good proxy for their popularity is the number of stars that their GitHub repositories get. A sudden shift in the number of stars of Vue occurred in mid-2016 and, recently, Vue has been up there with React as the most popular frameworks.
While Angular can be used to build components, it also comes with other tools that can be used to build a complete web application. Thanks to Angular, developers can build single-page applications. Unlike Angular, React is a JavaScript library, not a framework. React is used to build reusable UI elements. Vue is a framework similar to Angular. However, it doesn’t come with all of its functionalities making it lightweight. Vue can be used to build complete component-driven applications.
The job market for Angular vs React vs Vue
The best sources of data that indicate the trends on the job market are the various job boards.
If you are looking strictly from the point of view of the current job market, your best bet is to learn Angular or React. However, given that Vue has gained popularity over the last two years, it may take some time for projects to use Vue or new projects that adopt Vue to reach a maturity level that commands a higher number of developers. therefore it is good to go with vue.
Size and load times
The sizes of the libraries are as follows:
- Angular: 500+ KB
- React: 100 KB
- Vue: 80 KB
Although there is a significant difference between the sizes of the frameworks, they are still small as compared to the average webpage size (2+ MB in 2018). Additionally, if you use a popular CDN to load these libraries, it is highly probable that a user has the library already loaded in their local system.
Learning Curve of Angular, React and Vue
Angular has a steep learning curve, considering it a complete solution, requires you to learn associated concepts like TypeScript and MVC. Even though it takes time to learn Angular, the investment pays dividends in terms of understanding how the front end works.
React is not a complete framework unlike Angular and therefore advance features require the use of third party libraries. This makes the learning curve of the core framework not so steep but depends on the path you take with additional functionality.
Vue: Vue provides higher customizability and hence is easier to learn than Angular or React. Further, Vue has an overlap with Angular and React with respect to their functionality like the use of components. Hence, the transition to Vue from either of the two is an easy option. However, simplicity and flexibility of Vue is a double-edged sword — it allows poor code, making it difficult to debug and test.
Angular vs React vs Vue: Who wins?
Angular is most mature of the frameworks, however, the learning curve is steep and concepts of development in Angular may put off new developers. Angular is a good choice for companies with large teams and developers show already use TypeScript.
React is faining widespread acceptance, the job market for React is really good, and the future for this framework looks bright. React looks like a good choice for someone getting started with front-end JavaScript frameworks, startups, and developers who like some flexibility. The ability to integrate with other frameworks seamlessly gives it a great advantage for those who would like some flexibility in their code.
Vue is new in the race, without the backing of a major company, it has done really well in the last few years to come out as a strong competitor for Angular and React. Vue should be your choice if you prefer simplicity, but also like flexibility.
My personal recommendation is to go with “React or Vue” if you are starting a career in front end in 2019 Since it takes a while to master in Angular.
Following comments pics from other popular articles may help you to pick the best:
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